Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is an ancient practice of listening together for the movements of the Spirit in the life of the one seeking God. We seek out spiritual direction to share with another person the experience of God in our lives. Spiritual direction is about our desire for God, our struggles and frustrations with God, our longing for a more intimate connection with God.
Spiritual Direction is not about giving spiritual advice. The name can be a bit misleading in that regard. Our primary posture is one of listening and paying attention to what God is already doing. God is the One who leads and guides us. Sometimes it is helpful to have someone else with us on this journey to assist us in listening and help us notice what God is up to.
What do we talk about?
We talk about everything! God is intimately involved in your life and uses every aspect of your life to draw you into deeper relationship with Him. We can tend to think that God comes to us mainly in our "spiritual" activities, like prayer and scripture reading, but God is present with us all the time, in each moment of our day. He comes to us in our relationships, our careers, our leisure time, as well as our prayer. Spiritual direction conversations are a way to investigate God's Presence with us, especially where we might not expect it.
Each session is usually about 60 minutes long and is completely confidential
Spiritual Direction Background
I have been receiving spiritual direction since 2000 and offering it since 2002. I think of spiritual direction as my calling and vocation. In pastoral ministry I began to get the initial inklings that my true vocation was to spend time listening to people's spiritual journeys and discerning together what God might be up to in their lives. In many ways, this has been my own search my entire life.
My educational background includes an MDiv degree from Regent College in Vancouver and a DMin from Carey Theological College in the area of Ignatian Spirituality and Prayer. I have also received a Certificate in the Art of Spiritual Direction from SoulStream. (www.soulstream.org)
Where do I go from here?
Contact me and let's talk about what Jesus may be stirring in you. I offer a free initial conversation where we can get to know each other a little and talk about the possibility of spiritual direction going forward.
COST: $85.00 per session (We can talk about reduced rates if needed - really!)
CONNECTION: In person if you live in the Lower Mainland, BC or video-conferencing if you live elsewhere.