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Prayer Retreats

Life is busy. And full. It is difficult to find stretches of time where we can intentionally listen for how God is moving in our lives, to find those "unforced rhythms of grace" as Eugene Peterson called them.


A prayer retreat is one way to carve out some space to listen, to pray, to rest.

I have been leading prayer retreats for many years. They take a variety of shapes and time periods. A weekend usually works best. I also offer online retreats.


You may want to gather a church group, a home group, or simply a group of friends to gather together and lean into God, offering space and room for the Spirit to speak, to lead and to love. 


I offer a variety of formats but my usual practice is to have a number of brief sessions to set the framework for you to then spend time alone in prayer, silence and solitude.


Themes may include:


Praying the Gospels 

Using our imagination to pray with the stories of Jesus in the Gospels.


Practicing Prayer

An opportunity to "practice" various prayer forms in an unhurried atmosphere.   


Praying with Paul 

Praying with Paul's prayers in the Epistles

If you would like to book me to speak at your retreat, or contact me to discuss what you would like in a retreat, please contact me.

Rates are negotiable.

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